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16 Best Cricut Tips, Tricks & Hidden Features For Beginners!

In this article, we will explore the top 16 Cricut tips, tricks, shortcuts, hacks, and hidden features that will help you get the most out of your Cricut machine. 

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, these tips will surely enhance your crafting experience. So let’s dive in!

1. Always Do a Test Cut First

Before cutting a design that is either new to you or in scarce supply, it’s always a good idea to do a test cut first. 

This will help you ensure that your settings are correct and prevent wasting material. 

Simply click on “Shapes” in Design Space, select the circle shape, and resize it to about a half inch. 

Cut out the circle and check if you can remove it freely from your material. 

If you can, your settings are good to go. 

If not, adjust your settings and try again until you can cut out the circle smoothly.

2. Get Better Results with Double Passes

 One way to improve the cutting quality of your Cricut machine is by using double passes. 

This technique involves cutting the same design twice in order to achieve a cleaner and more precise cut. 

To do this, simply load your material onto the mat and send the design to cut.

 Once the first pass is complete, do not unload the mat.

 Instead, press the “C” button on your machine to repeat the cut. 

This will pull the mat back in and recut the design in the same spot, but this time, it will cut a little deeper. 

This technique is especially useful for materials that are thicker or more intricate.


Is A Cricut Machine The Same as a Vinyl Cutter?

3. Adjust Cutting Depth with Multiple Passes

Similar to the double pass technique, you can also adjust the cutting depth of your Cricut machine by using multiple passes.

 This is particularly helpful when you feel that your cut or score is not quite deep enough. 

To do this, simply repeat the cut or score process before pressing the unload button.

 By doing this before unloading the mat, you ensure that the mat remains in the same position, allowing for a more accurate cut or score. 

However, if you try to adjust the depth after unloading the mat, the mat is likely to be in a different position, resulting in a cut or score in a different position than the original.

4. Keep Your Fabric Grip Mats Cleaner

The pink fabric grip mats can get messy, especially if you cut materials like felt or fleece. 

While the pink mats can still work with fibers and threads on them, it can be messy and difficult to clean.

 To keep your fabric grip mats cleaner, consider using a sheet of contact paper or transfer tape sticky side up on your mat before positioning your fabric. 

This way, the fabric bits will get stuck on the paper or tape rather than on your mat, extending the life of your mat. 

Keep in mind that you will need to change the contact paper or transfer tape after about seven cuts, as it can become less sticky over time.

5. Use the Other Corner of the Mat

To ensure even wear and tear on your cutting mat, make use of the other corner. 

Over time, the bottom edge of the mat tends to be the stickiest, so rotating the mat 180 degrees and using the other side can help distribute the wear more evenly.

 This will also extend the life of your mat.

6. Tape Down Materials to Prevent Movement

If your cutting mat has lost its stickiness, you can still use it by taping down your materials. 

Simply place your material on the mat where you want to cut it, and then tape it down at the edges with painter’s tape or masking tape.

 Be sure to avoid intricate designs that require a sticky mat for precision. 

Also, make sure the tape does not overlap the edge of the mat or get under the rollers to prevent jamming your Cricut.

7. Charge Your Phone or iPad While Crafting

Did you know that your Cricut Maker has a USB port that can be used as a charging station? 

Located on the right lower side of the Maker, this USB port allows you to charge your phone, iPad, or even plug in your Bright Pad. 

You can also rest your device or Bright Pad in the built-in slot at the top of your Cricut Maker. 

This is a convenient feature that many people are not aware of.

Cricut explore air 2

8. Access All Material Settings for Better Cutting

Don’t limit yourself to the materials listed on the dial or in the popular section of Design Space. 

You can access a wide range of settings for specific materials by clicking the “Browse All Materials” link in the upper right corner of the Make screen. 

This will allow you to search through all the settings and select the best one for your project. 

Having the right setting can make a huge difference in the success of your cut.

9. Cut More Than One Color of Material at Once 

Do you often find yourself frustrated by the process of loading and unloading multiple mats when you have a design with many layers or colors? 

Well, here’s a time-saving tip for you. 

You can cut more than one color of material at once by moving all the cut elements to the same mat in Cricut Design Space. 

You can do this by either making them the same color or by moving them individually on the mat preview screen. 

Simply click the three dots in the upper left corner of each cut element and then click “Move to Mat.” 

Then, position each element in a different corner or section of your cutting mat in the mat preview screen. 

Once the Cricut knows where to cut everything, you can put appropriately sized pieces of material in the corresponding sections of your mat. 

This allows you to cut a ton of different colors at once, saving you time and headaches.

10. Reduce Tack on New Mats

Brand new mats can be super tacky, which can cause issues with getting materials off the mats. 

However, you can reduce the tack on new cutting mats simply by patting them down with your hands. 

The oil from your hands will make the mats a touch less sticky. 

Alternatively, you can press a clean paper towel on your mat to transfer a thin layer of fibers to the mat and reduce its stick. 

Neither of these actions actually harms the adhesive on the mat, and you can later wipe them down to reveal more of the adhesive when you need it.

11. Use a Lint Roller to Remove Debris and Fibers

Cutting mats tend to collect a lot of bits of paper, dust, and fibers, which can reduce their effectiveness. 

To quickly remove this layer of debris and get a stickier mat, you can run a lint roller over the surface of the cutting mat. 

This will pick up a lot of the loose little bits that like to cling to your mat.

 It’s also a good idea to keep your plastic mat protectors on your cutting mats when they’re not in use to avoid collecting any extra dust or pet hair.

12. See Cut Lines Better with Baby Powder or Cornstarch

If you have difficulty seeing the cut lines in vinyl, especially if you have poor eyesight, you can make them more visible by sprinkling a little baby powder or cornstarch on your vinyl. 

Use a makeup brush to brush it into the cut lines. 

This will make the lines appear more clearly, allowing you to weed the vinyl more easily.

 The powder can be easily wiped off when you’re finished.

13. Clean Mats with Baby Wipes

If your cutting mat has lost its stickiness and is covered in fibers or other debris, you can clean it with a non-alcohol-based baby wipe or wet wipe. 

Wipe the mat in small circles to remove the dirt and fibers, then allow it to dry. 

This will not only clean your mat but also help retain some of its stickiness.

 You can revive an old mat by wiping it down with a wet wipe, making it sticky and usable again.

14. Flip the Mat to Remove Materials without Damaging Them

To prevent your materials from ripping or curling when you remove them from the cutting mat, flip the mat over so it’s face down on your work surface. 

Gently bend the mat up and away from your material, putting the force of the bend into the mat rather than your material. 

This will allow your material to spring right off the mat without any damage or curling.

15. Get Little Bits off Your Mat Quickly with a Scraper or Card

When little bits of paper or other materials are left behind on your cutting mat, it can be time-consuming to remove them one by one. 

The fastest way to remove them is by scraping them off with a scraper or a plastic card like a store loyalty card or an expired credit card. 

Simply scrape the bits off the mat, and they will come off easily.

16. Improve Your Cuts with Aluminum Foil

To keep your fine point and deep point blades clean and cutting well, you can use aluminum foil.

 Simply tear off a 12-inch sheet of aluminum foil and ball it up tightly. 

Push the blade’s plunger down to expose the blade and keep it down. 

Then, poke the aluminum foil ball about 40 to 50 times with the pointy part of the blade. 

This will remove debris or oxidation that can build up on the blade and improve its cutting performance. 

While this method is not sharpening the blade, it effectively removes little bits of stuff that collect on the blade and can cause issues when cutting. 

Alternatively, you can put a piece of aluminum foil on your cutting mat and cut several simple designs out of it. 

This will also clean your blade and improve your cuts.


These are just a few of the many tips and tricks that can help you get the most out of your Cricut cutting mats and blades. 

By following these tips, you can extend the life of your mats, improve your cuts, and make your crafting experience more enjoyable. 

Remember to take care of your mats by cleaning them regularly and using protective covers when not in use. 

And don’t forget to experiment with different materials and settings to achieve the best results. 

Happy crafting!

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